Treating Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Speech Disorders in the School Setting
This graduate course is designed for school-based speech-language pathologists who want to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of assessing and treating students with cleft palate and/or craniofacial speech disorders. This course reviews anatomy and physiology and common speech errors in this population. Students will learn about assessment and practical strategies and techniques for school-based intervention.
(Available for 3 credits)
Course Number: ED 501-5404
**Textbook purchased separately and is available here

"This course was incredibly helpful for learning about cleft palate and craniofacial speech disorders. I feel very prepared for working with students in the future who have this diagnosis."- Pam, SLP
"Thank you. Love the flexibility to complete this at my own pace as needed. Even with having major surgery and the need for follow up treatment/surgery I was able to manage this course and complete it in the allotted time." - Erika, SLP