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Play Their Way: Fostering Engagement, Attention, and Emotional Development Through Play

This graduate course is designed for related service providers and teachers who want to utilize play based strategies to connect and engage with their students while working on the developmental skills needed to succeed in the school  environment.  This course will focus on analyzing and learning how to utilize the DIR Floortime® technique created and developed by the late Child Psychiatrist, Stanley Greenspan. Therapists and teachers will learn to effectively problem solve and help their students overcome common barriers to engagement with regards to communication, motivation, emotional regulation and attention.  This course will also explore the current research with regards to the efficacy of DIR Floortime® as well as areas open to future research.

(Available for 3 credits)

Course Number: ED 501-5416

**Textbooks purchased separately and are available here


"This course was a great way to get my feet wet with Floortime. It was something I was considering learning more about and was able to do so without the time commitment of being floortime trained. I can now implement floortime strategies in my practice with my preschool students." -Lauren, SLP

I" have taken 11 classes from Therapy Advance courses and continue to take more to reach my +45.  Taking the classes at my own pace has been helpful as I am a full time working parent.  The videos and assignments are relevant to my area of work and I recommend these classes to all my colleagues!" -Pam, SLP

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